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The Best ways to Fixed WordPress de-indexed

It’s important for every website on the internet to be indexed by search engines. This allows visitors to find your website in search results in an increase in your revenue from ads. But to be indexed from search engines, you need to achieve many steps and follow search engine policy.

You may make some small mistakes without even knowing that they make your website de-indexed from search engines. So in this article, we will help you to know the reasons and the solution of each.

What does De indexing mean?

It’s mean google remove your site or link form appearing on search when a user searches about something related to your site or article you wrote before.

Let’s jump right in:


Step #1: Check your site with Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a good tool to know more about how Google as a search engine sees your website. So you need to know how to use the Google search console on your website and it will help you find answers to the question in your mind: is a page indexed?

When you log in to your dashboard on google search console, you will see the sidebar on the left. This sidebar has many parts:

  • Messages: If Google wants to tell you something about your website status on Google search console, you will find it in messages.
  • Crawl errors: If for some reason Google cannot crawl your website properly, then this is the page those errors will show up.
  • Security: If your website has security issues that concern Google, these issues will appear in this part.

So from Google search console, you can be sure if your website indexed or de-indexed from search engines.


In the next part, we will explain the reasons and the solution for google de-indexed sites.


Step #2: Nonindex error- Visibility Settings in WordPress



Google can de-index your site based on your request when you mark on the search engine visibility option  You may by mistake have asked Google to index a page or your website. It may be happened during maintenance or checking the setting on something on your website.


For WordPress, you need to check Reading settings and check the box of Google indexing and make sure that’s checked by hand.

Want to know the best part?

If need to hidden and stop indexing a WordPress page form google you can do this by Yoast plugin option or Rank Math plugin option in a non-indexing post or page which this plugin helps you in managing your visibility on the search engine.

Step #2: Domain name expired


You may forget to renew your domain name by paying its price every year so the domain name will be expired and be de-indexed on Google.


Check if you paid your domain name price. Keep an eye on its expiry date and make your renewal before its time. There are many domain providers that give you a useful tool about auto-renew or something similar so it will not give you the error about domain name expires.

Step #3: Crashing on the server -error 50X occurred


Most host providers are reliable but in rare cases, the server may crash and the problem is still the same until the next visit of google bots. So this will cause de-indexing for your website and it will be considered as not found the site.


If you don’t have any reason for de-indexing, you can check the status of your server with the hosting provider. Ask them if there were any crashes recently. If not, your site should be reindexed at the next visit and appear in the listings during the next ranking change. It may take time to recover your original ranking.

Step #4: Unnatural links to/from your website


Some bad sites add a lot of links to your WordPress comments and This will cause many bad things:

  • Low-quality posting.
  • Acquiring too many links to your website may inform google that you are trying to buy links.
  • Letting the spam comments.
  • Participation in link farms.


You need to revise all your links and check what you need and what you don’t need. also, check your content if you use guest articles and have a lot of links.

By now, you should

Remove what you don’t need to reduce the number of spammy links.

Step #5: Content concerns


Your content may have many problems like duplication, auto-generated, or non-original. So google can consider this content as spammy content or scrap. Also, Bad spelling and grammar can negatively impact your rankings.


You need to change creating a content strategy of WordPress posting. You need to find some way to get high-quality content without scraping or duplication like getting proofreading. You either need to spend the time and resources to develop real value-driven copy, or you need to remove the low-quality pages.

Step #6: Check Broken links


Broken links are the previous links for certain pages but for some reason, this page has no longer exists. So when a visitor requests the page from the old link, a 404 error appears. Too many of these links that lead nowhere make Google de-index your domain as a punishment.


Fortunately, Google webmaster provides a free tool to look for the broken links on your website. Also, you need to use the redirection service provided by WordPress to avoid such a problem in the future..

But wait, let me tell you something cool 🙂

If you use an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or Rankmath SEO plugin you can active redirection module to make 301 redirections for 404 error and reduce this effect on your site.

Step #7: Too many affiliate links


You need to get more money. And Google knows that according to its ethics. Google needs all its users to get the most useful content that they need. S if you used too many affiliate content on unsuitable content. Google may de-index your website.


As we said before develop a good content strategy with the suitable affiliate links that you need and make your visitors happy.

Recovering after getting de-indexed by Google

After checking all the above points, you need to request from Google to reconsider de-indexing your website. And the Good News?

The step is free simple by adding your link in the search form in google console and if get an alert “URL is not on Google” request indexing.


But wait…there’s more

You need to sign in to Google webmaster and ensure that your website is safe and clean. So you can submit a reconsideration request.


We hope that the article was useful for you and we need to add comments if you have more information to share about Google getting the de-indexed website.

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